Meet Babymouse--the spunky mouse beloved by young readers for more than a decade! Halloween is here and Babymouse wants to have the best costume party ever! What spooky surprises could be in store? This groundbreaking young graphic novel series, full of humor and fun, is a bestseller that’s sold more than three million copies!妄想が激しいベビーマウスのハロウィンとクリスマスのマンガ本2冊セットです表紙に語数とかぼちゃ/クローバーのシールが貼ってありますプチプチと防水袋に入れて匿名配送します 複数購入される場合は送料分お値引きしますので、購入前にご相談下さい#achaの英語本一覧#acha’sEnglishBooksList#acha’sHalloweenGoodsList#acha’sXmasGoodsList