Come Organisation – WDC 881021ジャケット:底抜け、左上角折れ、取り出し口に小やぶれ、端に経年によるスレ、シワがあります盤:スレがありますA面マトリクス : WDC-88-1021-A1B面マトリクス : WDC-88-1021-B1 FUR ILSESide AImperial Japan - Under The Victory BannerMusique Concret - ExitCome - Come Sunday 2Aleister Crowley - Nature Of The BeastNurse With Wound - Fashioned To A Device Behind A TreeConsumer Electronics - LebensraumSide BLeibstandarte SS MB - PlutoniumetrioCharles Manson - Cease To ExistEtat Brut - NecroWiking DDV - Nordik PerversionWhitehouse - Mindphaser (Live)Whitehouse - Anal American (Live)Heinrich Himmler - Europe Lives